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1 Hour Goal-Setting Call with an ikario Coach

Special one-time offer, only $200! (normally $250)
Get a 1 Hour Goal-Setting Coaching Call with an ikario High Performance Coach. He will help you create a 3-month plan for your biggest goals and give you all the tools to stick to it.

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focus & action - Gold Tier$600

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  • 1xfocus & action - Gold Tier$600

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“I love focus & action, it is unlike any other productivity course I took or book I read.
One particular lesson in the goal setting section that was so surprising but also so valuable, that alone was worth the price of the course.”

Conny Graf

“Shane's content quality and teaching style are first-rate, something that I frankly expected, having been exposed to his other products & offerings. I know I can trust his stuff to be of the highest quality.”

David Coleman
Marketing Consultant
